Thursday, December 31, 2009

As this new year approaches, I am sure their are a million different things I can write about. The idea would be to give you value and ideas to help you jumpstart 2010 in the right direction. But I am not going to do that.

To keep adding value without one taken action is a lost cause. It amazes me time and time again to listen to everyone this time of the year.

"Oh this is my year, this year is going to be so different for me."

This one is my favorite:

“I can't wait for 2009 to be over with, what a horrible year it was.”

Question is, why was it a horrible year?

  • Did you not accomplish what you wanted to?
  • Did you do anything different to make changes in your life?
  • Did you learn something new and useful?
  • Did you challenge yourself, to stretch and grow and it was hard?
  • Was money tight?

Those questions are questions people ask when they react to the challenges in their life. So easy to blame the year, which leads to blaming your boss, blaming your job, blaming the current president, blaming your life away like you have no chance to make a difference.

Why will 2010 be any different if you start it the same way you finished 2009?

When are you going to wake up people?

The reality is this; most of you would spend $700 dollars on a brand new HDTV before you would on a seminar that could expand your view of this world and help give you the tools to forge ahead and drive through some of those challenges. So now you can numb the pain of not living the life that you deserve by drowning your feelings in watching other people face the world challenges. Why are shows like the biggest loser so popular? Because most of us would rather watch someone else face those difficult challenges than face them ourselves. Where you can be at this time next year is a lifetime from where you are now if you do something about it. Don't just say you are going to lose weight, get a trainer. Don't just say I want learn a new skill and research it online, find someone who is doing it and join their class. Don't just say I want to hold myself to a higher standard, go get a coach to take you to the next level.

The moral here is this: you must be proactive in life. If you want change you must embody it, and the way to do that is not by saying it. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION!

You can not play the game of life sitting on the bench, you have to get in the game. You don't want to wake up one day and realize that there is only 2 minutes left in the game of life and your time is running out, then it is to late. Take care god bless and Happy New Year to you all.

Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

David F Muraco is a certified life coach, motivator and radio talk show host who lives in Oneida. In 2004 he founded "In the Zone", a business dedicated to helping people reach their goals. His column runs every Wednesday in the Utica Daily News. To contact David, email him at or visit his website at

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tonight on "Coaching In The Zone" Author of Magician's Code, Ronald Arceo

Just in case you missed tonight's amazing show do not worry. Here is
the archive of tonight's episode of "Coaching In The Zone" with our
special guest and Author of The Magician's Code, Mr. Ronald Arceo. This is a must listen. Thank you all for an amazing year in 2009, wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happ...y Holiday's. Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

To listen to tonight's show please click link below.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

What is a gremlin?

For some of us, we might think back to the movies some 25 years ago that showed us these love able fury creatures. Then, midway through the movie these love able creatures turned out to be our worst nightmare. At the time, I never connected the dots on the meaning of that movie until 20 years later when in a training session. In that session, the instructor talked about not listening to those gremlins on your shoulder.

Now of course, my only reference point at the time was that movie, so that was the image burning in my mind. I thought what does he mean by that? I need to understand what he meant. So as the discussion continued, he elaborated on the gremlins.

His definition was that those gremlins on your shoulder were fears, doubt and worry.

My first thought was that this guy is wild. Is he trying to say I hear voices? No way, I am not crazy. I don't have gremlins this does not make sense to me.

All too often, and at so many different times in our lives, we block out the learning so we can make ourselves feel better. We never want to think we are like others or that someone may know us better then we know ourselves. So what do we do? We bash it, ignore it, and make fun of it.

We do anything we can not to step back and take a good hard look at it. You see, we all have those so-called gremlins. Maybe for you they are called something different. Or, maybe -- like I did when I first heard the idea – you are thinking I am crazy? Maybe, but as always, test it out. Answer the next few questions as honestly as possible.

* When alone faced with a huge, difficult decision, do you every talk it over out loud?
* When lying in bed at night, right before you fall asleep, ever start to think maybe you should’ve done things different in my life.
* When it gets so hard and things feel like they will never get back on track, do you feel that pit in your stomach telling you to quit?

The list can go on and on and on. Whether it is a gremlin or whatever you want to call it, we all have it. I have fought mine as much -- if not more than -- all of you, every single day of my life. You see what I learned and can share with you now is that we need that gremlin. We need it to help us navigate through this wild and crazy ride of life. Imagine a life with no fear, worry or doubt. Now, some of you may be cheering that idea, but how could we have our greatest achievements in life if we haven’t faced our fear and still went for it?

The gremlin's purpose is all to often misunderstood. His purpose is to question our core being, our heart and soul and his questions may come in many different forms and ideas, but there is only one question that burns: How bad do you want it?

I sit with that question everyday, and it’s what propels me forward each and everyday of my life. I encourage you as we close this year and wait in anticipation of the New Year to not pretend that the gremlin is not there. Don't think you can eliminate him either. NO! Stare that gremlin dead in the face and say: I am afraid, I am worried, I don't know if I can do this, but I would rather give it everything I've got than let you keep me from trying.

Life is like any other game we have played since we were little kids. We knew it then, but all too often we lose our way. You can't win the game by not participating. You’ve gotta get some skin in the game. Remember the gremlin starts our nice love able fury creature, than he turns into your worst nightmare.

Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ronald Arceo Live On Coaching In The Zone

Check out this week's brand new commercial for "Coaching In The Zone" only on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, December 14, 2009

Creating and Managing Effective Teams:

Creating and Managing Effective Teams:

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Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free For Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
The National Networker Companies

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Coaching In The Zone

Don't miss tonight's amazing show with special guest Mindbody FX author Melonie Dodaro.

Coaching In The Zone

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Melonie Dodaro 12.13.09 On Coaching In The Zone

This Sunday night at 9:00pm EST don't miss your chance to win Melonie Dodaro's new book, The MindBody FX Lifestyle: Mastering the Mind-Body Connection for Permanent Weight Loss.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In the Zone goes Into the Night with Benny Mardones, Part 2

Benny Mardones had great success as a songwriter with Alan Miles and for the time being, Benny was happy.

He would often sing a demo version of the songs he wrote for other artists. After hearing one of the demos, Tommy Mottola, then working for Joel Diamond, suggested that Benny sing his own songs. Joel felt the same way, and set out to find Benny a record deal.

Now as we go into this next part I want you to ask yourself these questions:

* What is it that you want?
* What are you willing to do to get it?
* How far are you willing to go?
* Will you ever quit?

Benny finally gets a chance to play a showcase for the music executives and show off his musical talent. First time - no record deal, second time - no record deal, third time - no record deal! How many of you at this point would’ve quit? Fourth time he nailed it - an amazing record deal!

The music executives came back to Benny to say we loved it, but we want you to play one more showcase. Benny's response was like mine would’ve been and most everyone else’s – “No way. If they can't make up their minds by now forget it.”

How easy it is to take shot and quit? Then we justify it by saying, “Well, I tried”. We say that to make ourselves feel better. The truth is, it is easier to quit when it gets too hard than to forge ahead.

I am hear to tell you the secret, are you ready? LIFE GETS HARD!!!!

It did that day for Benny, but he did what most would not: When life got hard, he got harder. He played for a fifth time and landed his record deal. Going into the studio to record was a dream come true for Benny and, in 1979, he recorded the album “Never Run, Never Hide”.

In previous weeks we’ve talked about talent and desire. Where talent opens up doors, desire allows you to stay in the room long term. Talent got Benny into that recording studio, but his desire would change the course of his life forever. Just two days before going into the studio Benny penned “Into The Night” which was released on that album.

We often hear “be careful what you wish for, you might just get it”. Well, Benny got it. By the middle of 1980, “Into The Night” was the song of the summer. Benny finally felt like he owned his dream, he had made it. With barely enough money in his pocket for transportation, Benny went to get his first royalty check with the hopes to maybe pay the rent and get some food. When he opened that envelope, the reality of that dream came at him like a bullet from a gun. That check was worth more than his parents had made in their entire lifetime.

Now if you do your research and read some books, every great achievement ever recorded has a turning point that shapes your destiny. Whether you are Elvis Presley, James Dean, Michael Jordan or Benny Mardones, they all had a turning point. After the huge success of “Into The Night”, he found himself battling the demons of drug addiction, discontinued all concert performances, recordings, and appearances. To the rest of the world, it seemed Benny Mardones had fallen off the face of the earth.

At the times of our greatest struggles we never see the turning point as clear as we do after the fact. But for Benny, it is burned in his mind forever: In 1985 Benny's son Michael Everett was born.

Even though it moved him, it did not shake him to his core just yet. One day, as Benny stood at the crossroads of his life with drug addiction, his son -- a newborn unable to speak --- communicated with Benny in a way only a son could communicate to his father. That same love that Benny had growing up for his music, that love that got him what he thought was all of his dreams come true, now was a distant memory compared to the love he felt for his son Michael that day.

When you decided to change, it happens in an instant, but if you take no action towards it, you will never change anything. That day, Benny called his road manager who lived in Syracuse. With his bags packed and his son by his side, Benny embarked on a new life.

We talk a lot in our articles about surrounding ourselves with positive people and position and then things will happen. It stands true time and time again. With the help of some amazing individuals, like Joe and Zofia DeMaio, Ed Pozzuoli, Alan Miles, and Central New York, Benny became recharged in his professional life -- most importantly his personal life.

I asked him:

“Your career was riddled with so much up and down how did you or do you handle it?”

His answer was simple and yet direct:

“Dave, I just put one foot in front of the other. I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to do this, so for me, I am going to give 150% every chance I get.”

How many of us can saw we live by that motto everyday? The world is lined with dreamers and doers. Benny Mardones possesses the rarest quality of them all -- both.

Benny Mardones owns his dream now more than ever. But not for the reasons you may think. Not for the fact that after 40 years he is still doing what he loves to do. Not for the fact that he has made lots of money. Not for the fact that “Into The Night” may live on forever. Benny Mardones owns his dream because he now shares it with the one most important person in his life: His son Michael.

His legacy will live on forever because he showed his son that if you want something bad enough go get it and never quit. When the time comes for the lights to fade on his final performance, I am sure

Benny will go gently “Into The Night” and his legacy will live on through his son and the people he touched along the way.

Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

In The Zone goes “Into The Night” with Benny Mardones: Part 1

Each week we talk about different topics that help create value and give us the perspective on the human potential. This week will be a little different.

I was pleased by an email I received a few weeks back that I would like to share with you:


Needless to say I was surprised and extremely pleased.

As the weeks followed I would receive other emails from Benny letting me know how much he enjoyed the articles. Now I have known about Benny for years, not personally, but by his amazing music.

In fact, as a young teen I even sang in a band, which of coursed had “Into The Night” on our song list, who didn't?

But as I looked at his website something clicked. Why does someone stay in an industry that has so much heartache? Looking at his bio showed a rocket ship rise to the top, and a hard-lived fall from grace. Here he is 40 years later getting ready to come back to Central New York to do another show at the Turning Stone Resort Casino December 12, 2009.


Why do some people stay strong and dedicated to follow their dreams. Not just stay, but to stay long term, through all the trial and tribulations. To answer that question was easy for Benny.

“I would rather play my music for $500 than do anything else for $5,000.”

You see your dreams have three phases:

* First you must Be It – Act as if you will be what it is you want. For Benny it was being a Rock Star.
* Then you must Live It – Each and everyday do something that moves you toward your dreams.
* Finally Own It – At this stage it is who you truly are, your authentic self, where anything is possible.

For Benny, he was 11years old when he decided to be it, singing and playing music whenever he could. At the age of 15 he got the chance to live it, playing at a high school show. As announced by the high school principle, “The kid that taught Elvis how to shake” was living his dream.

The reaction not only pointed Benny in the right direction that night, it anchored in him a laser beam focus that has spanned over 40 years.

So often we come upon challenges in life and more often than not we shy away instead of beating these challenges into submission.

Benny had his fair share of challenges early. After high school and a stint in the military putting his dream on hold a bit, Benny decided to do what for most of us would be the same thing we all struggle with: Doing what was right instead of what you want.

What was right for Benny was going to MIT to get a great education and a job. With his military training and a degree from MIT Benny would be set for life. Except, for Benny, his dream was pounding a hole in his heart, and as has faith would have it, he started making more money playing gigs on the weekend then he ever was going to make at those big government jobs he was studying for. So Benny packed up his stuff, left MIT and headed “Into The Night.”

The challenges didn't stop there. All too often in life when we get a sniff of our dreams the universe decides to ask us how bad do we want it? For Benny it was the same thing, wanting to be a singer was his first love and that is what he set out to do so he went to New York City. But again all roads are not smooth and comfortable, and for Benny it was no different. Benny met Joel Diamond, then President of CBS Publishing. At Joel's suggestion Benny tried his hand at songwriting, with that Benny penned the song "Too Heavy To Carry" with Alan Miles. Two weeks later, Brenda Lee recorded the song and Benny the songwriter was born.

Please don't miss next week conclusion to this amazing interview with Benny Mardones. Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

To find out more about Benny go to
To get tickets to his show at Turning Stone Resort on December 12, 2009 go to

Dave Muraco is a certified life coach, motivator and radio talk show host who lives in Oneida. In 2004 he founded "In The Zone", a business dedicated to helping people reach their goals. His column runs every Wednesday in the Utica Daily News. To contact David, email him at or visit his website at

Monday, December 7, 2009

Melonie Dodaro live on Coaching In The Zone! 12/13/09

This week on "Coaching In the Zone" we have special guest Melonie Dodaro. Melonie is the founder and CEO of MindBody FX Weight Management Company, a company specializing in changing the way people think in order to achieve their ideal weight. Join us as we discuss her new book, The MindBody FX Lifestyle: Mastering the Mind-Body Connection for Permanent Weight Loss. You don't want to miss this. Sunday December 13, 2009 at 9:00pm EST 6:00pm PST

Callers are welcome to join the conversation during the show by calling (347) 857-1733.

The live internet talk radio show will stream from the host page at

“This exclusive interview with Melonie Dodaro is a must listen for anyone out there that wants "To learn the secret to permanent weight loss,” said Melonie Dodaro. Melonie now focuses all of her attention on helping people harness the power of their mind to experience the weight loss results they desire and deserve. She is interviewed on a regular basis to fulfill her passion to help as many people as she can to obtain the body they desire.

Coaching In The Zone

Coaching In The Zone

Just in case you missed last nights show don't worry, you can still listen in. Just click the link below and you are all set. Don't have time right now that is ok too, just listen whenever you want all shows are archived right on the site. Want to take it with you, just download it on itunes or mp3 and Take In The Zone with you wherever you go.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Coaching In The Zone

Don't miss tonight's show with Special Guest Jay Rifenbary at 9:00pmEST

Coaching In The Zone

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Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free For Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
The National Networker Companies

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jay Rifenbary Live On Coaching In The Zone December 6th 2009

In The News

In The News

In The Zone goes "Into The Night" with Benny Mardones Part 1

Each week we talk about different topics that help create value and give us the perspective on the human potential. This week will be a little different. I was pleased by an email I received a few weeks back that I would like to share with you: more

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



Join us this week on "Coaching In The Zone" as we welcome special guest Jay Rifenbary. Jay Rifenbary is president of Rifenbary Training & Development and author of the International Best-Seller, "No Excuse!

Coaching In The Zone

Coaching In The Zone

Join us this week on "Coaching In The Zone" as we welcome special guest Jay Rifenbary. Jay Rifenbary is president of Rifenbary Training & Development and author of the International Best-Seller, "No Excuse!