Monday, January 24, 2011

Bucket List

Anyone that even slightly knows me is aware that I am a HUGE fan of Oprah Winfrey. Such a big fan in fact that my mother at one point had to tell me that it was really becoming annoying that I was starting every sentence with “Oprah says…” So, it’s probably no surprise that I was watching Oprah while she was shooting her show from Australia. Oprah commented that everyone should have a trip to Australia on their Bucket List, and at that moment, I started thinking about my own Bucket List…I actually was thinking of the lack of my own Bucket List.

I do believe strongly in having personal and professional goals, but for some reason, January is almost over and I still cannot get myself to sit down and figure out what my goals for 2011 will be. However, the idea of a Bucket List is exciting to me! It takes into account the big dreams you want fulfilled, the experiences you want to have, and the joy you want to get out of life before you die – which we all know is inevitable.

I have been thinking hard, but not too hard since a Bucket List is not supposed to be painful to create, and I have come up with a start to my List:

1. Drive across the United States in an RV visiting as many states as possible along the way.

2. Complete a marathon.

3. Live debt free! Pay cash for everything.

4. Visit Australia – I have always wanted to do this, not just because Oprah was their!

5. Visit Disneyland as if I was a child again.

I suggest that you take some time to really think about what excites you! What have you always wanted to do that seemed impossible! You never know when opportunities will arise that will allow you to cross off one of the items on the List. And in the meantime, it allows you to dream a little like a kid creating their Christmas List for Santa! So what will be on your Bucket List?

Kristen Semrau-Mattison is a Life Coach, Career Counselor, and Inspirational Speaker. With over 10 years experience working with a diverse range of individuals and organizations, Kristen has helped many to fulfill their personal and professional goals in various capacities.  To receive a FREE 45 minute Coaching Session from Kristen please visit