I truly believe that leadership is a choice. No one is born a leader, you see a leader is developed, a leader is groomed and most important of all a leader is a student. Not just a academic student that is the easy part, no I mean a student of all things most importantly LIFE!!! The greatest lie ever told is that go to school get a good education and get a job and then you are all set. What a joke to live by that principle, getting done with school basically means you are just starting your true education. The education of life. You see we need to grow and stretch and look to achieve each and everyday no matter what, that is what leaders do. I can't imagine General Colin Powell one of the greatest leaders of our generation not being a student of life. To be a great leader you must be a student first, a student of all things so you can lead by example. Remember a good leader never ask someone to do something that he himself is not willing to also.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
I am writing this post today as a challenge. I challenge each and everyone one of you out there to take ownership in your dreams and do what is necessary to work on those Dreams. Of all the articles and books I have ever read on achievement never did it have a side bar attached to it saying how easy it was. Stretching and growing is something most of us are not use to, and the reason for that is simply. Because it is easier to be comfortable then to go after what we truly desire. So the challenge is simple and does not matter your age, what your dream is or how big it is. I just ask that you take just one step toward it, and it does not matter how big of a step it is. All that matters is that you take that first step, because all great journeys start with a single step. You know 40 years ago Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and as he took that first step he said " One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." That one small step that he took that day, changed they way we see the world to this day. Just imagine what your one step could mean to all of us.

Monday, July 13, 2009
What is Possible?
The title What is Possible? Is really open to much discussion. I feel the bottom line to that question is simple................ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. You see we are all bombarded with the things we can't do in life. We can't change jobs or careers, we can't have that kind of relationship we want, we are to old or to young to do whatever it is we want to do, we can't be a role model, we can't change the world, etc, etc, etc. It is a bunch of bull. I ate those lines for years people with a life worse then mine telling me about relationships, people with a career they hate telling me that I can't change mine, people telling me how to make money and they are dead broke. It is like a bad joke, buying someone else ideas, means you buy there lifestyle and if there lifestyle does not match the one you want, run like hell. In order to achieve great things you only need a few key ingredients. 1. A good coach or mentor to help guide you and give you new thoughts, ideas and actions steps. 2. Self education is a must read as much as you can, the biggest lie in life is that when you get out of school you are done learning. Face your fears, you see fear is only a word a word that has as much meaning as we label on it. I empower all of you to take these steps today right now and starting living the life you deserve...................
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Don't Dream your Life....Live your Dream
The title of my topic is a metaphor for life.? Ever wake up one day and ask yourself is this really my life?? I am sure you have as I have for many years.? The reason you ask that question is that you have had different dreams throughout your life and each one came and gone like a page on the calendar never amounting to anything. Why is that? Reason being we all have problems, issues or excuses on why they don't come true. It is a shame but the reality of most people I know. Well I urge you; better yet challenge you to dream again. Take that Dream off the shelve and put it in your Heart. Then after that take massive action. Because just holding on to a dream is like day dreaming and then it is only a dream. I mean hold that dream tight to your heart and run like hell after it because only a dream with momentum is a dream that has any hope of coming true. I am a personal and professional life coach and I help individuals and organizations dream those dreams and most of all show them action steps on how to make those dreams a reality. You all have a god giving right to have what you want. Will it come easy? NO, but then again we would all agree nothing good every comes easy, just ask all those mom's out there that have giving birth to a child..........LOL. I urge each and everyone one of you not only to dream but to dream and take action create momentum live in the reality of that and then see that dream come true.? Living your life......IN THE ZONE........
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