Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
What "I am real" means and how it could change you
I am real are you?
"I am real" is a framework I created a while back to help give my clients a greater awareness on how to make changes in their life. Not just changes but lasting changes. Because we all change something about us for a minute, hour, or even days. But how often do we commit to lasting change? "I am real" allows you to ask yourself some really great questions to move you toward your goals or dreams.
I = Ideas
A = Actions
M = Momentum
Real = Reality
The question that is ask when it comes to ideas is: What is it that you want?
Then, after you ask that question you must also ask yourself: What is it that I really want?
All to often, we think we know what we want but we really need to dig down deep to pull it out. Then, actions bring about questions like: What are you willing to do to make it happen?
Then again, you must drill down and ask what you are truly willing to do to make it happen.
So often we say we are not going to stop until we reach our goal, but the moment something tries to block us we stop. The greatest accomplishments in life come shortly after the greatest challenges in life. Momentum will bring you to the place where your greatest change takes place, so the best question here is: "What needs to be done now to keep it going?"
Many times when we reach this place, we take our foot off the gas and that is what kills our chances of reaching that lasting change we are looking for.
Finally is reality: What would your life be like when you reached your goals? Or what would your life be like if you knew you couldn't fail?
The lesson that should be taken away from this article is simple this, no one person, book, teacher, coach or mentor has all they answers. But they will help you open doors you never knew existed before. The truth is, nothing changes until you change, nothing happens until you get moving. We all think that it takes too much time to make change happen, what we don't realize is that by the time we finish reading this article someone or something in this world has changed. I am real are you?
Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.
David F Muraco is a certified life coach, motivator and radio talk show host who lives in Oneida. In 2004 he founded "In the Zone", a business dedicated to helping people reach their goals. His column runs every Wednesday in the Utica Daily News. To contact David, email him at or visit his website at
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What it really takes to keep your resolution

As we start to move forward into this New Year, the magazine racks are full of articles that promise you how easy it can be to lose weight, how easy you can turn your career around, as well as countless eye popping topics that prey on your subconscious mind.
The reason they write those articles is because they know that now more than any other time of the year, people are not only looking for change, they want that change to be as easy as possible. So what happens? The gyms get jammed with people, stores sell more exercise clothes then ever, and more and more people are buying fruit and vegetables at the grocery store.
Then, by mid to late February, everything returns back to normal for most. Why? Because it was not as easy as they thought it would be. The truth is, nothing we want in life is that easy, but the things we choose to work at are quite scary. I know more people that have either an iphone or a Blackberry and with amazing accuracy do a million different things on those phones, why is that? I will tell you why, because they spent countless hours working on them to make sure they knew everything they could to get the most out of them. Not a bad thing at all I would think. But what makes me sad is this question that lingers in mind: Why wouldn’t you spend that much time on taking care of yourself?
When did learning how your iphone works became more important then learning how you work. It did when it was easier to work on your phone applications than to work on your life applications. For $1.99 we can download an application for just about anything, and over time we will spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on that, but would balk and hesitate when someone asks you to attend a seminar for $500 dollars. The words would sound something like this, “Oh that is a lot of money let me think about that.”
In our world today, when faced with a challenge -- we don’t look for the best solution, we all too often look for the easiest one. That may fix the problem, but only short term. We can buy meals already prepared for us, buy clothes that do not need to be ironed, and we can lose weight without diet and exercise. Life is just not that easy.
We can add all the components we want to make us think it can be done the easy way. But time and time again history will show us that hard work, common sense and a commitment to a cause will lead us to the promise land.
I challenge you all to pick just one thing, just one. And stay committed to it for all of 2010 not just a few months, then you will truly understand that it may not be easy but well worth they effort.
Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.