Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I truly believe that leadership is a choice. No one is born a leader, you see a leader is developed, a leader is groomed and most important of all a leader is a student. Not just a academic student that is the easy part, no I mean a student of all things most importantly LIFE!!! The greatest lie ever told is that go to school get a good education and get a job and then you are all set. What a joke to live by that principle, getting done with school basically means you are just starting your true education. The education of life. You see we need to grow and stretch and look to achieve each and everyday no matter what, that is what leaders do. I can't imagine General Colin Powell one of the greatest leaders of our generation not being a student of life. To be a great leader you must be a student first, a student of all things so you can lead by example. Remember a good leader never ask someone to do something that he himself is not willing to also.

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