Friday, May 7, 2010

When is it the right time?

From the moment we are born, the race is on.

If you pause long enough and listen, you can even hear it! The clock on the wall waits for no one. It doesn’t care how old you are, what color your skin is or even how intelligent you are. It keeps on ticking day in and day out. So the question I ask you is this: What are you waiting for?

•That clock doesn’t care that you’re scared.

•It doesn’t care how you see yourself (too old or too young)

•It doesn’t care that you don’t make the money you want to make.

So many times I hear “I have no time for me”, or “no time to get the things done I need to”. The truth is, you have no time because it ‘s not important enough for you to make the time. Of all things outside of our control, time is one thing we can control, if we choose to.

What is time? Whatever we want it to be. Time for a bikeride in the company of your kids, maybe time to work on your business long after you closed your doors for the day. Time is one of the most precious things we have in this world. More often than not, we treat it like garbage that can be thrown away over and over and over again. But if we look for what it truly is, (a precious resource) then I am sure we would use it a lot more wisely.

The point to this is that regardless of age, you have all the time you want the moment you realize that it is yours and no one else’s. Make good use of it, because one night you will go to bed and then wake up and it will be 30 years later. Then you won’t be saying “I don’t have enough time”. Your question will be “Where did all the time go”.

Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

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