Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What Gets In The Way Of Trusting Your Instinct?

I contemplated bringing my huge golf umbrella in with me to Starbucks. After all, it was only slightly raining, and I was sure I could run into the café without getting soaked. Plus, this is Syracuse, NY. It rarely rains ALL DAY (now snow is a different story). However, here I am, over 3 hours later sitting in Starbucks and the rain still has not let up. It’s actually been raining really hard since I entered the café. Oh, and I decided not to bring the umbrella in with me.

This got me to thinking, how many times have I made a decision, only to decide to follow a different path than what I had decided on at the last minute? I find myself doing this a lot. Here are a few examples.

-Since my gas light is on, I decide to get gas on my way home from work so that I won’t have to deal with it in the morning. Once I start my venture home, I decide I am too tired and will just go straight home. Once the morning comes, I am running late anyway, and now I am much later because I have to get gas if I want to go anywhere! This is when I start cursing myself.

-I decide that I will pack for a weekend away the day before leaving. This gives me time to pick my outfits, gather my jewelry, makeup, etc. Then I tell myself that there’s no need to pack so early. I end up packing in a hurry and with frustration the day we leave. Then I am running late which is aggravating.

I guess what I am learning is that my first instincts are usually the best ones. I need to trust these and rely on them more. Usually, the little red guy comes along and gives me a million reasons why I shouldn’t trust myself. Sometimes I just have to fight back! Last night I started obsessing about how badly the house needed to be vacuumed. I told myself that I would vacuum after my favorite show, The Office, was over. Once it ended, guess what happened? The red guy came along and told me that I could vacuum in the morning so no need to get off the couch! I firmly told him to stop. I stood up, got out the vacuum and the rest is history. I ended up going to bed with a cleaner house and one less thing I had to worry about today.

Was there a time in the past when you ignored your instinct? What happened? What gets in the way of you trusting your first instinct?


  1. Everything! (Well, maybe it's just the nursing three-week old that needs me a lot right now.)

    I find rather than my instincts, I really just need to slow down and think, "What is the most important thing for me to do right now?"

  2. Slowing down is a big part of it Rebecca! Sometimes we just need to breathe before we figure out which way to go!
