What is a gremlin?
For some of us, we might think back to the movies some 25 years ago that showed us these love able fury creatures. Then, midway through the movie these love able creatures turned out to be our worst nightmare. At the time, I never connected the dots on the meaning of that movie until 20 years later when in a training session. In that session, the instructor talked about not listening to those gremlins on your shoulder.
Now of course, my only reference point at the time was that movie, so that was the image burning in my mind. I thought what does he mean by that? I need to understand what he meant. So as the discussion continued, he elaborated on the gremlins.
His definition was that those gremlins on your shoulder were fears, doubt and worry.
My first thought was that this guy is wild. Is he trying to say I hear voices? No way, I am not crazy. I don't have gremlins this does not make sense to me.
All too often, and at so many different times in our lives, we block out the learning so we can make ourselves feel better. We never want to think we are like others or that someone may know us better then we know ourselves. So what do we do? We bash it, ignore it, and make fun of it.
We do anything we can not to step back and take a good hard look at it. You see, we all have those so-called gremlins. Maybe for you they are called something different. Or, maybe -- like I did when I first heard the idea – you are thinking I am crazy? Maybe, but as always, test it out. Answer the next few questions as honestly as possible.
* When alone faced with a huge, difficult decision, do you every talk it over out loud?
* When lying in bed at night, right before you fall asleep, ever start to think maybe you should’ve done things different in my life.
* When it gets so hard and things feel like they will never get back on track, do you feel that pit in your stomach telling you to quit?
The list can go on and on and on. Whether it is a gremlin or whatever you want to call it, we all have it. I have fought mine as much -- if not more than -- all of you, every single day of my life. You see what I learned and can share with you now is that we need that gremlin. We need it to help us navigate through this wild and crazy ride of life. Imagine a life with no fear, worry or doubt. Now, some of you may be cheering that idea, but how could we have our greatest achievements in life if we haven’t faced our fear and still went for it?
The gremlin's purpose is all to often misunderstood. His purpose is to question our core being, our heart and soul and his questions may come in many different forms and ideas, but there is only one question that burns: How bad do you want it?
I sit with that question everyday, and it’s what propels me forward each and everyday of my life. I encourage you as we close this year and wait in anticipation of the New Year to not pretend that the gremlin is not there. Don't think you can eliminate him either. NO! Stare that gremlin dead in the face and say: I am afraid, I am worried, I don't know if I can do this, but I would rather give it everything I've got than let you keep me from trying.
Life is like any other game we have played since we were little kids. We knew it then, but all too often we lose our way. You can't win the game by not participating. You’ve gotta get some skin in the game. Remember the gremlin starts our nice love able fury creature, than he turns into your worst nightmare.
Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.
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