David F. Muraco/ Special to UDN
What do you want to focus on, problems or solutions?
Ask any kid what they want to be when they grow up and you will get all different types of answers. They'll range from playing professional baseball to ballerina, doctor or maybe even President of the United States.
The reason for this is simple, they have unlimited power. The power to believe in the unknown; the power to know that anything is possible. So why is it, most never reach those dreams? Everyone tells them how hard it is instead of explaining to them what needs to be done to get there.
I see it every single day from multiple clients coming to me with problem after problem and saying simply "I don't know what I am going to do". We have become a society that more times than not, solely focuses on the problem or challenge -- never the solution. We have been trained to constantly dive deeper and deeper into the problems of our lives or organizations, and never to seek solutions. Trying to solve problems only creates more problems.
Solutions allow you to put something in place to eliminate problems. Now, I am not saying that you will never have problems again. But with a solution in place, you have a reference point to make better, a chance to continually evolve and grow to handle more and more issues as they arrive. Ask yourself these three questions:
What would your life or organization look like if you only sought out solutions?
Imagine if you were armed with this skill as a child, what would you be able to accomplish now?
Where could you go with your organization now if you decide to develop that skill today?
You have the opportunity right now to focus on the solution. The question is, do you want to? Or do you want to keep doing what you are doing right now?
How can you get where you want to go, grow your life or business to the next level without doing something different? Embrace that inner-child and know that you also have unlimited power to do and be anything you want to be; never let anyone take that away from you.
Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.
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