Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why Facebook is an example of a good decision.

David F. Muraco/ Special to UDN

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Just recently I was made aware of some statistics that blew me away.

More now then ever before, people are looking at the current economic and emotional downturns we are facing as the end-all-be-all.
Then they commit to doing nothing about it until things get better.  Tell me something? Who decides when that is? Analysis by a news reporter? The president? Who is it? How about You.
You see as a business owner myself, I am living in the same economic and emotional downturn as all of you.  The difference is due to things I choice to do daily:

  • Make good decisions which allows for good results
  • Review my outcomes from those good decisions
Making good decisions is a strategy in both life and business.  Take, for example, social media outlets.  The stats I referred to earlier are as these:  Facebook has capped a year of phenomenal growth by overtaking Google’s popularity among US internet users.  Research firm Hitwise said that the two sites accounted for 14 percent of all US internet visits last week. Facebook’s home page recorded 7.07 percent of traffic and Google accounted for 7.03 percent. Facebook’s membership has more than doubled in the past year, passing the 200 million mark last April and 400 million in February.

Why do I share this with you?  It is hard to believe the business and individuals I work with that tell me that social media is a waste of time.  From a business perspective, if you are not on Facebook you might as well just close up now.  Tell me another place where you can get 400 million people to look at your product or service?  And from the personal side, you want more good or positive people in your life?  Well I think you might find a few out of 400 million.

Understand this: where you focus goes, your energy flows (Tony Robbins). So ,if you focus on solutions. you will embrace this massive change. This is going to happen and is happening.  Or you can hold on to a commitment that is only serving one person: you.  Again, it will come down to two things: the decision that you make and the outcome you want to get from it.

Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

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