Friday, April 16, 2010

Right Now!

Back in 1991 a band called Van Halen wrote a song called "Right Now".

According to vocalist Sammy Hager,  “The song reflects on living for the moment and not being afraid of making a change.”
How can it be that something so powerful be so simply misunderstood.  The words that echo in this song can be a anthem for our nation as it embarks on some of the toughest times in recent history:
Don't wanna wait 'til tomorrow

Why put it off another day?

One by one, little problems
build up,
and stand in our way.
Everyday we are faced with challenges: small medium and large.  Every challenge may have multiple solutions, yet we get caught in the place where fear leaves us doing nothing.  Then, one day, you wake up and, all of a sudden, you have huge challenges.
Right now as  many of you read this article, there are issues after issues facing you in your personal or professional lives and we are taking no action on them.
Right now you are where you are in life.
Right now you can make a change that lasts forever.
Right now you can make a difference in someone's life
Right now you can change the color of your hair.
Right now you can sing a song.
Right now you can be whatever you want to be.
Right now is yours!
Whether it be a piece of music, video, or even an article, whatever it is you choose, can make a difference in your life right now.  Right now, you can find something that will move you to action.  Right now you can set some goals.  Right now you can read this and make a change.
The Chorus of the song goes like this:
(Right now) Hey! It's your tomorrow
(Right now) Come on, it's everything
(Right now) Catch your magic moment
Do it right here and now
It means everything
Right now is your time to do something you have never done.  Don't wait another day, because this thing we call life is too precious to waste. And guess what?  The clock on the wall waits for no one.  Do something.  RIGHT NOW!

Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

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