When people hear that I heard Rudolph Giuliani speak at the “Get Motivated” seminar, they often want to know what his message was. I was really impressed by his openness to discuss 9/11, and inspired by his basic principles of success:
1. Find a mentor, someone that is doing what you achieve to do, and listen to what they have to say.
2. Make sure your read books. If you don’t like to read, find a topic that interests you and then buy books on it. He hated to read, but loved the NY Yankees so his parents bought him books on the NY Yankees and that sparked his interest in reading. Now he is always reading – one book for pleasure and one book for personal growth.
3. Write things down. Take notes. Make pro/con lists. Write down your goals!
4. Everyday do nothing for five minutes (relax).
5. Learn how to listen and ask questions of those you look up to.
6. It’s better to be around when things go wrong then when they go right.
Maybe you are already instilling these principles in your life. If so, which ones? If not, what principles can you start applying now?
These are great principles. I think it should also be pointed out that you can find a mentor in a book if you can't find a real life one.