I came upon Andrea Owen while searching YouTube for coaching clips. This video appeared called “Kick Your Gremlin’s Ass” and I was totally intrigued. Not only was the video hilarious, but it was so true to life for me. I immediately hopped over to her website and have been following her inspirational messages ever since. I was super excited when she agreed to be interviewed for my blog! Check it out!
Andrea Owen is a professional life coach and speaker. She is passionate about empowering women and girls to value their character and feel beautiful by manifesting respect and love for themselves first and foremost. She has helped hundreds of people manage their inner-critic to break through and live their most kick-ass life.
I love the name “Your Kick Ass Life Coaching”. What inspired this name?
For almost 10 years I've lived by the mantra, "Life is too short for it to not kick ass". Even before I knew what life coaching was! A few years later I started a blog under the name "Live Your Ideal Life" which was okay, but didn't really match who I was. When it came time to launch my business I purchased the url, but something inside me was dragging my feet. I kept going back to my mantra and talked it over with a friend. She asked me why I didn't have "kick-ass" as my business name and I said, "I cannot use the word "ass" professionally!" and she laughed and responded with, "Why? Are you afraid you're going to offend someone?" And Your Kick-Ass Life was born.
What has caused you to be an activist for women and girl empowerment?
It started years ago when I met Jessica Weiner who is the Global Ambassador for the Dove Self-Esteem fund. She trained me to host workshops for young girls to help them build self-esteem and confidence. Also, I spent some time working as a personal fitness trainer. Many of my clients were up for working on their bodies, thinking it would bring them happiness. It was overwhelming to me how much some of them lacked self-esteem. I wanted so badly to help them, but it was beyond the scope of my job. Those two things made me realize my true calling: To help women empower themselves and to love themselves in order to live their own kick-ass life.
Tell me a little bit about those gremlins?
Your gremlin is your inner-critic. The voice that is sometimes mean, perhaps it tells you you're stupid, ugly, whatever. Or, it may just strip you of power, telling you you can't follow your dreams because it's too risky, too much money, you're too old, etc. Our gremlins have evolved with us and grown up with us and will always be with us. Some people live their whole lives assuming that this is their truth, because the gremlins primary job is to present itself as truth. Sneaky, right?
This is the one thing my clients tell me helped them the most when we work together. The thing they walked away with as being the most helpful. So, I decided to save people time and money and put together an ebook and workbook called, "Kick Your Gremlin's Ass: Manage Your Inner-Critic to Live a Kick-Ass Life".
While we can't remove it from our lives, it certainly can be managed!
How do you manage to balance your family and business?
I don't. ha! I honestly think "balance" is unattainable, just as "perfect" is. I feel it's just another thing for us to think we need to have in order to not only be happy, but something to think everyone else has except us. I think we can have harmony instead. Whenever we say "yes" to something, we are saying "no" to something else. When we focus on the things that we value the most and the things we truly love, harmony is with us.
Has your potty mouth ever gotten you in trouble? LOL!
Not yet! My writing style is exactly how I am in real life. People that know me very well have told me they can hear my voice when they read my writing and I take that as such a compliment. I don't believe in sugar-coating, I think we get too much of that. The hard truth is hard to come by, but so very important in our own self-discovery and growth. And a few f-bombs never hurt anyone. When I first started writing, I censored myself and it was no fun at all. How can I write about LIVING your life and being your authentic self if I'm feeling ashamed to say the word, "shit"?
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