Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I gave myself a sick day. Coming off of a hilarious, party-hardy, lost my voice weekend with my girlfriends, I still have a bit of a “fun-hangover”, and it is Wednesday already! I got out of bed at 6 a.m., only to sneak back to bed at 7 a.m. after my husband left for work.

While waking up from my early a.m. nap, I told myself today is going to be a waste…I was fighting a cold, didn’t have my voice, and I was just sooo tired! The joy of being self-employed is that you don’t have to call your boss to tell them you’re sick and won’t be coming into work. This is also the downside of being self-employed. You can have as many sick days as you would like (whether they are justified or not).

Ok, so I am feeling tired, have a raspy voice and the sniffles. I don’t have to go out in public or expose others to my germs. There really was no reason I couldn’t knock of the few goals I set for myself today.

I’m not going to say that I turned the day around and crossed off everything on my “To Do” list...I actually spent most of the day having an internal fight with myself that centered around getting stuff done versus lying on the couch. However, there came a point in the day where I recognized that I could either continue to fight with myself to step away from the couch, or I could make a decision to be OK with my laziness. Tomorrow is always a new day and the “To Do” list will still be there. I chose to keep my sick day.

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