Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Regain Your Freedom

With Independence Day passing, the word “freedom” was mentioned a lot. This got me thinking about the country we live in, and how much freedom and independence we are privileged to have as citizens of the United States. However, I still hear people every day who talk as if they have lost their freedom. They are in jobs or relationships that are holding them captive, or the economy is bad so they have to put their dream on hold, or they don’t have enough money just yet, and on and on.

It can be difficult to live the life we want at times when we feel as if outside circumstances are holding us hostage. There came a point in my life where I became so overly conscious of the horrible things that were going on in the world that I began to live my life in fear of these things. For example, if my husband was five minutes late getting home, I told myself that he had been in a horrible car accident and then I would obsessively try to get a hold of him. Or, this is really funny, I would hurry through my morning shower because I thought for sure someone was going to break in and attack me while I was showering. My fear was manifesting into my own personal jail cell.

Then I decided one day that I had to make a change. I stopped watching the morning and evening news, and stayed away from websites that focused on the latest headlines. I began to free myself from the fear that had started to trap me. My thoughts were no longer filled with the horrid stories that were occurring in the world. I began to live a little more carefree and worry a lot less. I regained my freedom.

Have you lost your freedom somewhere along the way? It’s important to keep in mind that as long as you are living in this country, you are free! But the power lies within you to live a life of freedom.

Remember, people have sacrificed their lives fighting for freedom. We should not take advantage of it. What decision will you make today to set yourself free?

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